This master Cylinder is used for the Clutch/Brake system on numerous Zetor Tractors.
Will fit the following Zetor models:
Brake and clutch Systems: 5011, 5211, 5245, 6011, 6045, 6211, 6245, 7011, 7045, 7211, 7245, 7711, 7745, 3320, 3340, 4320, 4340,5320, 5340, 6320, 6340, 7320, 7340, 10211, 10245, 11211, 11245, 12211, 12245, 14245, 16245, 8211, 8245, 9211 & 9245.
Clutch system only on: 7520, 7540, 8520, 8540, 9520, 9540 & 10540.